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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Office supplies ordered in Miami, awarded to a firm in Belarus and counted as small business contract…

Recently we've been working to eliminate the abuse under the "miscellaneous foreign contracts" loophole, which has allowed for over 6 billion dollars in foreign contracts to be counted towards the small business goal in FY 06.

One example of this abuse occurred in April of 2006 when a contracting office located in Miami awarded a $951,876 contract for office supplies to a firm in Belarus , counting it as small business contract. The award was entered as
"MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN CONTRACTORS" DUNS # 123456787. Searching on FPDS-NG, the records shows this "company" having "$1000" in revenue and "10 employees" when in reality, this is not a company at all and this has created a loophole allowing contracting officers to award contracts to foreign entities in the guise of small business awards.

If you’d like to see this for your self go to or search by

Select; "contracts" – Select; "Advanced Search Contracts Database"

Select; Place of Performance / Place Country -- Belarus

Select; Contract Details / Product or Service Category --75: office supplies

Select; "Get list of transactions" and then click "$951,876"

Situations such as the above keep us here at ASBL motivated in working for small business. The ASBL continues to work on exposing the 6 billion dollar abuse of the "miscellaneous foreign contracts" category and we are working to prevent this from being counted towards the U.S. Small Business goal. However we need your help. If you've lost a legitimate small business contract to a large or international firm, please email us at info (at) and share your story with us.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lloyd Chapman Prompts SBA to Release Top 100 Recipients of Small Business Contracts

The following transcript was taken from a teleconference with the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, Steven Preston on Friday, August 17, 2007. These comments took place at roughly 51 minutes into the conference.

Lloyd Chapman: Wouldn’t it improve transparency if the Small Business Administration listed the top 100 recipients of small business contracts online?

Steven Preston: That is a great idea; I had never thought of that, we should take a look at that.

Preston: Are you concerned because the top 100 would show people that may not be small?

Chapman: Yea, I am concerned because the top 100 includes Lockheed, Boeing, and Halliburton. It is predominantly Fortune 1000 corporations.

Preston: Yea, that is interesting, I don’t know about the systems of the past, but yea we will take a look at that.

SBA Administrator Discusses Major Reforms to Government Contracting, Friday, August 17th

Monday, December 3, 2007

Top 50 Small Business Contractors, According to FEDMINE.US

Here are the Top 50 recipients of federal small business contracts according to FEDMINE.US. As you will see there are several large companies included on this list that are not included on the SBA's recent Top 100 list. These numbers are pulled directly from FPDS-NG, as FEDMINE.US has access to the XML data feed, which gives them access to all of the data available on FPDS-NG. We challenge the SBA to publish its methodology for compiling its list of the Top 100 recipients of federal small business contracts.

FEDMINE.US Top 50 recipients of Small Business Contracts

Small Business Matters; Presidential Race Silent on Owners' Issues

Small Business Matters - Presidential Race Silent on Owners' Issues
Boston Herald